Our mission is to promote and maintain the safe use of ionizing radiation and lasers by providing the appropriate programs and services for Washington University and Washington University Medical Center (the School of Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Howard Hughes Medical Institute), Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, and the University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis. Our commitment is to protect human health and the environment while ensuring regulatory compliance and protecting the interests of the University and affiliated institutions.

Phone: 314-362-3476
Fax: 314-362-1995
Email: radsafety@wustl.edu

What To Do In Case Of A Spill Or Accident With Radioactive Material

24 hour Emergency Phone 314-299-1322

Please refer to the Instructions Regarding Accidents Involving Radioactive Material document that is posted in every RAM use area.   In the event of a major spill, please notify Radiation Safety immediately and we will instruct you as to further action.    If it is a minor spill, begin by informing others and ask for help.  Cover the spill with absorbent paper.  Mark off the area and restrict access to reduce the spread of contamination.  Decontaminate as necessary, disposing of supplies as radwaste.  Survey and document the results; repeat as needed.  Survey yourself and others before vacating the area.  At any time in this process, feel free to call Radiation Safety to ask for assistance.

Radiation Safety Staff

Mairio Bradley

Radiation Safety Specialist III

Services: Laser Safety; Radioactive Waste Pickup and Disposal; Radioactive Material Orders; Survey Meter Calibration

Briana Davis

Interim Radiation Safety Officer

Services: Radioactive Material Authorizations and Amendments; Drain Disposal of Radioactive Material; Radioactive Material Research Lab Inspections; Radiation Safety Training Information, Requirements, and Scheduling; Generally Licensed Radioactive Materials

Casey Delf

Computer Systems Manager II

Casey Delf provides support related to EH&S Information Systems

Sonny Johnson

Radiation Safety Specialist II

Services: Radioactive Material Package Receipt; Radioactive Waste Pickup and Disposal

Brian Kim

Assistant Radiation Safety Officer

Services: Radioactive Material Orders/Shipping/Transfers; Radioactive Waste Pickup and Disposal; Survey Meter Calibration and Repair; Bioassays

Joseph Lake

Health Physicist Assistant

Services: Clinical Radioactive Material Use; ALARA Investigations

David Luechtefeld

Assistant Radiation Safety Officer

Services: Clinical Radioactive Material Lab Inspections; Clinical Radioactive Material Use; Radioactive Sealed Sources; MRI Support

Matt Schildz

Assistant Radiation Safety Officer

Services: Clinical Radioactive Material Use; Radioactive Material Authorization Review

Karla Spafford

Health Physicist I

Services: Decommissioning & Closeouts; Radioactive Materials Authorization Inspection & Review.