Authorized User (AU) – The principal investigator who holds the radioactive materials permit(s) and in whose name the materials are ordered and used.
Exempt – Some products of certain combinations of isotope and quantity of radioactive material are considered “exempt”. People can receive, possess and use “exempt” radioactive materials without the need to have any type of license issued under the Atomic Energy Act and with the requirement to follow NRC regulations. It is helpful for the EH&S Radiation Safety Office to know about WU-owned exempt sources to minimize any confusion with licensed radioactive materials and to assist the owner in their environmental stewardship of these materials.
Generally Licensed Radioactive Materials – People can receive, possess and use “generally licensed” radioactive materials without applying for a specific NRC license, but they must comply with the requirements established for the applicable general license as established by NRC regulations. The EH&S Radiation Safety Office needs to know about WU owned generally licensed sources to minimize any confusion with our specific licensed radioactive materials, and to assist the owner in their regulatory responsibilities and environmental stewardship of these materials. In some cases, the PI and the EH&S Radiation Safety Office may decide that the particular radioactive material may be better or more easily managed if it were incorporated under the University’s specific NRC License.
Inactive Status – Authorized Users (AU) who would like to have a radioactive materials authorization, but have no radioactive materials on hand and no firm plans to obtain materials within six months or more. “Inactive” investigators are still Authorized Users and can indicate as such on grant applications, etc., but are excused from many of the radiation safety compliance requirements.
Lab Contact – The radiation worker responsible for managing the use of radioactive materials for the Authorized User.
Laser – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Nominal Hazard Zone – The space within which the level of direct, reflected or scattered laser radiation during normal operation exceeds the applicable maximum permissible exposure, or MPE, which is the level of laser radiation to which a person may be exposed without hazardous effects or biological changes in the eye.
Radiation Worker – An individual who has successfully completed all of the initial and ongoing requirements for the use of radioactive materials and who is currently named as such on a radioactive materials authorization.