Within this section you will find a wide variety of policies, guidelines and manuals to help you complete your work, or to advise you on certain regulations, procedures, or best practices.
Infection Control Procedures
Infection Control Procedures For Areas Supporting Both Animal and Human Studies
Injury & Illness Reporting Procedure (IBC)
Institutional Biological & Chemical Safety Committee: Procedure for Reporting Injuries and Illnesses
Inspection Customer Service Survey
We strive to provide and maintain exemplary customer service. Please use this form to provide any feedback you may have on radiation safety inspections conducted in your lab. If printed on both sides of a single sheet of paper, the survey can easily be folded over, stapled, and dropped in the mail.
Laboratory Safety Handbook (Blue book)
Complete list of resources for Laboratory and Clinc Safety Blue Book
Laboratory Self-Evaluation Form
Laboratory personnel/AUs are encouraged to use the Radiation Safety Laboratory Self-Evaluation form to assess their radiation safety compliance, and to identify and correct problems between routine Radiation Safety inspections.
Policy Human Gene Therapy Trials
Policy on Severe Adverse Event Reporting for Human Gene Therapy Trials
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Management
This policy identifies the procedures to follow to for managing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in building materials and equipment on Washington University (WU) campuses and properties. Management of PCBs in materials and equipment must adhere to the requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) or the PCB regulations at 40 CFR Part 761.
Radiation Protective Eyewear Attestation
(PDF contains fillable form fields if downloaded) Use this form to notify Radiation Safety of any x-ray attenuating protective lenses you routinely wear while performing or assisting in fluoroscopically-guided diagnostic examinations and/or fluoroscopically-guided therapeutic procedures in clinical practice at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
Radioactive Material Ordering
Laboratory groups can provide this form to the departmental administrator placing RAM orders to ensure orders are placed properly and efficiently.
Radioiodine Questionnaire
Include this form with your application if you have requested unsealed labeled iodide in an amount greater than 1.0 mCi per shipment.
Recycling and Donation of Electronic Equipment Policy
Electronic Equipment (E – Waste) Disposal Policy
Request for Modification of Posted Radiation Caution Signs
This form is used to request “security exempt” status for a RAM-authorized location. In order for this to apply, all radioactive materials must be either attended or secured within the room at all times.
Request Form for RAM Drain Disposal
Use this form to apply for authorization to dispose of low-level aqueous radioactive liquid waste via a specific laboratory drain.
Request to Add a Radiation Worker to RAM Permit(s)
Authorized Users or their designated Radiation Safety Lab Contact must use the Radiation Worker Request form to request that a radiation worker be added to their permit(s).