Radiation Safety provides annual refresher training for personnel working with radioactive materials (RAM). There are different versions of the refresher training for each type of permit Radiation Safety tracks. Radiation workers are required to take the version(s) applicable to the type of permit(s) they work under. As part of this “refresher” training, the Authorized User is also responsible to provide lab-specific ALARA training to all radiation workers in his or her lab.
Annual Refresher training is accessed on-line via Learn@Work. For Authorized Users who wish to present the refresher training in a meeting, we recommend they log into Learn@Work and present using the web presentation. Documentation of training for meeting attendees can be faxed to Radiation Safety at 314-362-1995, or emailed to radsafety@wustl.edu. For users completing the training in Learn@Work, documentation of training is automatically entered into the Radiation Safety database.
The Research version of the refresher training includes: general information concerning radioactivity; risks and biological effects of radiation exposure; rules that apply to the use of RAM at this institution; obligations of employees to report unsafe conditions; employees’ rights to be informed of their radiation exposure and bioassay results; and locations where the licensee has posted or made available notices, copies of regulations, and copies of licenses and license conditions. The RES refresher takes about 25 minutes to complete.
The PET version of the refresher training includes the information provided in the RES version, but adds additional training and guidance for the safe use and handling of positron emitting isotopes. The PET refresher takes about 30 minutes to complete.
The Nuclear Medicine, Clinical and Human Imaging (NUC/HUM) version of the refresher training covers the same general Radiation Safety topics, but will also highlight the additional requirements, regulations and special concerns relating to the use of radioactive materials in human patients and research subjects, and will explain how we establish our human-use authorizations. The NUC/HUM refresher takes about 35 minutes to complete.
The Radiation Oncology (ROC) version of the ALARA & Refresher training covers general radiation safety, human-use requirements and authorizations for the many types of patient treatments performed in Radiation Oncology. The ROC refresher takes about 30 minutes to complete.
In order to maintain your approval for irradiator use, you must complete refresher training within 12 months of your last training on the security and radiation safety requirements.
If you are the Co-Authorized User and do not complete this training, approval to use the irradiator will be suspended for all of the approved operators working under your co-authorization, as well as for yourself.
The Authorized User is also required to provide to their radiation workers lab specific ALARA training that addresses: the ALARA concepts and the ALARA program; the safety issues associated with the specific procedures conducted in the laboratory and ways to achieve ALARA; the general rules for the safe handling of RAM; and the appropriate actions to take in case of a spill of radioactive materials. It is recommended that these two categories of instruction, refresher and ALARA, be provided in conjunction with each other. Both are due by September 30 each year.